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Home > Yardi Training > Lease Renewals > Lease Renewals Step 2 : Generate Lease Proposal Batch in Yardi
Lease Renewals Step 2 : Generate Lease Proposal Batch in Yardi
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Lease Renewals- for Non Revenue Management Properties


Creating Lease Renewal Proposals
Leases that are expiring in the next 120 days can be located on the Dashboard > Expiring Leases. Note: The expiring leases (120 days) looks for the lease expiration date. This list will include all leases that have already expired and will expire within 120 days.

If no lease offers have been created, the approval status will be listed as ‘Pending.’


Add Lease Proposal Batch (Leasing, Assistant and Property Managers)
Step 1: Create renewal proposals
**Very Important** If the person creating renewals has access to multiple properties, ensure the Voyager dashboard is set to the desired property.

Use the left side menu Residents > Lease Renewal > Add Lease Proposal Batch to begin the process.

Blue fields are required:
Property/List-Property will default to code listed on Voyager Dashboard. For best results filter one property at a time.
Agent-Name of the leasing agent creating the batch
Batch Description- Add Affinity approved description
Optional fields will help filter desired results:
Unit Type- If desired, Voyager allows processing proposals based on the unit type.
Unit- If desired, Voyager allows processing proposals based on the unit.
Resident- If desired, Voyager allows processing proposals based on resident. Add resident tcode to generate renewal.

Status-The status of the residents whom you want this proposal to apply to.
             Options are: Current, Eviction, or Notice.
Lease Expiration-Limits the batch to residents whose leases expire within this date range.
Include MTM -  Limits the batch to residents with fixed-term or month-to-month (MTM) leases:
                           Exclude- Only fixed-term leases
                           Include- Fixed-term leases and month-to-month leases
                           Only- Only month-to-month leases
Update Rentable Items to Market Rent? - Leave this item set to NO. Determines whether existing rentable items are updated with market rent increases. As a best practice its recommended to manage rentable items from the resident profile.
Rounding-Choose Dollar.
Proposal Terms-Create term range. Identify increase based on actual rent or market rent.

Add Special- Use this option to attach an existing special. Only specials currently setup will be available.


If desired, exclude any of the residents from this lease proposal batch, by unchecking the box ‘Renew?’ and save.
Proposals can be edited on the screen, updated and save.


Post Lease Proposal Batch (Property Manager and Portfolio Managers)

Step 2: Post Proposal Batch
Find proposal batch from the left side menu Resident > Lease Renewal > Review Lease Proposal Batch
Enter Property > Select Batch to edit > Submit

Once all proposals have been reviewed, click ‘Post’. Once posted, Portfolio Managers can review and approve. Send your Portfolio Manager a message notifying them that the batch is available for review!


Once you receive notification from your Portfolio Manager that your batch is approved you can move on to the Renewal Letter Generation Process, check out Lease Renewal Step 3. : Renewal Letter Generation. 


You can also review the entire Lease Renewal Guides Here: 


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