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Home > Yardi Training > Adding in a One-Time Charge/Quick Charge
Adding in a One-Time Charge/Quick Charge
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There may be instances where you are needing to add in a one-time charge rather than a reoccurring charge. This would be used in a number of instances such as charging in a pet deposit, a one-time concession, a one-time late fee reversal, etc.


In order to create a quick charge, you will want to navigate to the resident's profile in Voyager. Go to the top of the page where it says "Function" and then click "Quick Charge".



A pop-up will appear to begin entering in the charge. You will want to add in the date the charge should take place, the post month, the amount, the charge code and any important notes. Please see below for further instructions on these fields.


Date: Ensure this is the date of the actual charge and not just today's date. For instance, a late-fee reversal will typically be on the day the late fee was posted, a move-in concession may be on the move-in date, a pet deposit would be on the day the resident got their new pet, etc.

Post Month: This is the month of the charge. Take a look at the date field and put the post month as the same month.

Amount: Double-check whether this should be a positive or negative charge. In the event that the charge is actually a "credit", this will be a negative amount.

Charge Code: Make sure you are charging to the correct code. If you are unsure of the code, it can be helpful to cross reference the resident's ledger or ask your Manager how to code the specific charge. 

Notes: Add any specific notes that could help someone else to understand why the quick charge was entered. Think if a brand new person came to your property, could they understand the need for the quick charge just by reading your notes?


Once all the fields have been accurately input, click "Submit". To ensure the charge was entered correctly, you can then take a look at the resident's ledger.


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