Jul 13, 2023
"Unanswered" inbox FAQs
- Is "Unanswered" different than "Unread"?
- Yes! Our "Unanswered" inbox looks not only at unread conversations, but also pending follow-ups from prospect and tenant conversations.ResiDesk's team built the inbox because we know that 'unread' doesn't quite cover everything you care about. In fact, most of our teams are switching over from 'unread' to 'unanswered' as their default inbox.
- Can I make "Unanswered" the default inbox at my company?
- Yes! Please reach out to our support team at [email protected] and we'll make it happen for you!
- Some of these questions don't need an answer. Why are they in my inbox?
- You're right - ResiDesk can pick up some extra conversations as questions as it learns what does and doesn't need a response from your team. We try to make sure any issue is surfaced even if it means some non-issues will be surfaced. As our system learns, there will be fewer unnecessary questions in that inbox over the coming days.
- If you see something that shouldn't be in the inbox, please share them with us at [email protected], we'd love to give them to our product team as they improve the system!
- I've closed the issue outside of ResiDesk. How do I remove the conversation from the inbox?
- Our recommended best practice is to actually respond to the resident conversation and say the current issue has been closed. Typically it's a response along the lines of "Hello Joe, we're moving this out of our inbox. Please text us if you have any further questions!" This helps keep the inbox clear for incoming issues and helps our customers with their analytics.
- Lastly, we know you may not want to respond to everyone. If you do not respond, those questions will move out of the inbox within a couple of days.