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Home > Accounting > GPR Report Month End Review
GPR Report Month End Review
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GPR Report Month End Review


Report Filters:




Loss to Lease Review


Vacancy Review








Loss To Lease Calculation Errors:

Look For:


  • 0 Dollar Amount in Potential Rent
  • Doubled Rent or Large Rent in Potential Rent
  • Small Amounts in Potential Rent



$0 in Potential Rent

Loss to Lease= Market Rent Occupied Unit


Cause: No Active Lease Charges for the period

Research: Active Lease Charges, Expired Lease Charges,


Potential Rent Doubled ( Or Large Amount)

Cause: Two Active Lease Charges for the same period due to a renewal processed incorrectly. Corrected lease charges were back dated to the start of the lease renewal.


Research: Active Lease Charges, Expired Lease Charges, Resident History


Find Resident History: Resident File: Data: Resident History


Small Amounts in Potential Rent


1. Its accurate ( highly unlikely)

2. Only Base Rent or Subsidy Rent Portion is entered under Active Lease Charges

3. Employee Unit Lease Charge


Research: Active Lease Charges & Expired Lease Charges


Vacancy Calculation Errors:


Look For:

    • Occupied Unit with Vacancy Amount
    • Vacant Unit with no Vacancy Amount /Small Vacancy Amount






Cause: Rent was manually charged, no active lease charges for the period are on the account. This creates a credit to vacancy.

Research: Active Lease Charges, Expired Lease Charges, Tenant Ledger

Click on Resident Name: Reports: Ledger: Click Record Number to View Detail

In this example the problem was no active lease charge, producing the variance in both loss to lease & vacancy.



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