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Home > Company Policy > Wildfire and Air Quality Monitoring
Wildfire and Air Quality Monitoring
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What to do in case of Wildfire Smoke:



Please make sure to monitor using the link  for your location and review the guidance below with your teams.   


Should your property end up in an evacuation zone please follow all direction provided by local officials, the attached letter can be used for resident communication as well.



Please monitor the air quality using this site:


Monitor the AQI and if the AQI is above 101,  ORANGE or above follow the additional precautions below


If your property is in an area where the air quality index is above 101 AQI the below precautions must be followed


  • Check prior to engaging in outdoor work, follow the air quality guidance provided
  • Limit outdoor work to less than 30 minutes
  • Wear an N95 or KN95 mask when outdoors


If your property is in an area where the air quality is above 150 AQI,  in the RED Zone of above; the below precautions must be followed in addition to the requirements above:


  • Outdoor work should be limited to less than 10 minutes outdoors
  • Employees must wear N95,KN95, P95 or R95 masks when outdoors , a NIOSH particulate respirator is preferred. 
  • Indoor work should be limited to light duty
  • Please ensure that all exterior doors and windows are sealed properly and kept closed except when necessary to enter or exit the premises to limit smoke from entering your work area. 
  • Please keep a HEPA filter or fan running to ensure air circulation.
  • Contractors working onsite are required to wear respirators while on site, please monitor all contractors and confirm they are aware of this requirement.



Be aware of symptoms of wildfire smoke exposure and seek medical assistance if you are experiencing any of the following:


  • Eyes: burning sensations, redness, and tearing of the eyes caused by irritation and inflammation of the eyes that can temporarily impair one’s vision.
  • Respiratory system: runny nose, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing, sinus irritation, wheezing, shortness of breath;
  • Fatigue, headache, irregular heartbeat, chest pain.




Task: Please ensure that you have NIOSH approved particulate filtering facemasks available for all associates.  Most N95 and KN95 masks meet the NIOSH guidelines.


You can verify that the Facemask meet the NIOSH guidelines by checking the information below on the mask.

KN95  masks that are private labeled may not have all of the requirements above printed directly on the mask however they are required to have the following statement on the packaging as a special S caution and limitation statement identified on the full label and located in the respirator user instructions:

  • Marketed by xxxxxx (the private label company name).
  • Produced by xxxxxx (the approval holder company name).


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