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Home > Yardi Training > Late Fee Process > Posting Late Fee Batches
Posting Late Fee Batches
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Late fee batches will automatically generate on the last day of the property's payment grace period. Most Affinity communities are set for the 5th, but please review your lease agreement or confirm with your portfolio manager if you are unsure. While these batches will generate, they will not automatically post, and must be manually reviewed and posted before showing on the resident's ledger.


Before reviewing and posting the late fee batches, confirm that there are no unprocessed check payments. If so, complete the CheckScan process before reviewing the late fee batches. If rent is considered late on the 5th, the last day of the grace period is the 4th. Therefore, checks or money orders in your dropbox should be entered as of the 4th. (Common errors article coming soon.)

Step 1: Log into Yardi Voyager, continue in the Residential Role. Select "Charges" to locate your Late Fee Batch. Select the Batch # for the current month’s late fee batch to begin the review and posting process.


Step 2: Review Late Fee Batch for any payments that were processed via CheckScan. If you do not enter dropbox check payments PRIOR to deleting the residents from your late fee batch, the late fee batch will continue to generate for those residents every day until you post it.

Step 3: Add PM approved late fee credits to batch. Late fee credits should only be added after Portfolio Manager review and approval. You can choose between 2 methods:

  • Edit the batch and create a new charge with the late fee credit.

  • Edit the specific resident's charge line in the batch and add the late fee credit to the charge invoice.

Step 4: Review final time, and post batch.

Step 5: Apply open credits VIA a zero-receipt batch. Be sure to verify:

  • Total amount field should be $0.00
  • Check number should be entered as AOC
  • The amounts in the "pay" column mirror the amounts in the "charge amount" column
  • The sum at the bottom of the "pay" and "charge amount" columns should be $0.00

Select "Save" once complete, which will open the next zero receipt detail screen (if applicable). Once the number of receipts and total entered matches the items declared, review the receipt details, ensuring the value in the Amount column is $0 for each receipt. Post once complete.


Step 6: Delete duplicate late fee batches (if applicable). Late fee batches will duplicate every day until you post them. To delete the duplicates, simply click on the batch number, and delete.

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