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Home > Yardi Training > Leasing Workflow > Lease Script Error Workaround
Lease Script Error Workaround
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The script error you are seeing is a known Yardi error that does not yet have a resolution. However, there is a pretty simple workaround you can use to get the agreement to generate. You will first want to go into Site Manager and navigate to the leasing dashboard. You then want to find your property and the resident you would like to generate the agreement for. You will need to enter in the appropriate filters to find the resident or prospect, this includes whether they are current, future, approved, etc.

Click the hyperlink on the resident's name.

After you have clicked their name, you will brought to a screen where you have the option to "Manage Blue Moon Renewal Lease" or "Manage Lease" depending on the status of the resident. Click that option.


You are then able to review the details of the agreement by going through the tabs on the left-hand side. Once you are sure everything is accurate you can click "Review Forms and Finalize". If no additional forms are needed you can then click "Finalize".

And you're done! You can ensure the lease has been generated by going back to the resident and going down to the "Not Started" tab, the lease should show up here. Alternatively, the CRM profile for the resident should now say "Get Resident Signature" in the top-right corner.

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