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Home > Yardi Training > Invoice Processing > Invoice Entry in Yardi Voyager
Invoice Entry in Yardi Voyager
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Step 1: Change your Role and Upload invoice images
• Click the Roles and choose Payscan (P2P)
• Click Invoices then Import Invoices.
• Fill in the property at the bottom of the screen to set all invoices to go to one property.


Click the Open PDF Button on the right-hand side. It will prompt you to select invoices from a locally saved folder on your desktop. (you will not be able to pull invoices directly saved in Box) you can select as many invoices as you want at a time.
• Uploaded invoices should look like this:



From here, review each invoice to make sure all pages are included as well as making sure the separators are in the correct place. You can add or remove separators, as well as delete invoices by hovering over line item, and selecting which action you want on the right side.


Click Import Batch at the top of the page once the invoices have been reviewed. A red pop up will flash at the top of the screen.


On the top menu, select Dashboards and select Invoice Register Dashboard.

There are several ways to find the batch that you just created. You can reference the batch number (shown above), the property or search by your username. It is important to have the “Open Batches” box, checked.



If you cannot find your batch by using the criteria above; clear out the batch number and property search and search only by your username in the “created by” line and by selecting both the “open batches” and “no data entered” boxes.


Step 2: Ready for data entry
• Click on the first control number.



If this is your first-time entering invoices into Yardi, your invoice image will appear in the image tab.

• To change the view of the image, hover over the options in the image and you can maximize OR open the image as a new window to make it easier for viewing.
• Payee- Start typing the vendor name or address.
o There are several vendors that have remittance vendors associated with them. Example, Sherwin Williams. Click on the remittance vendor and you can search for the correct address. It is extremely important to match the address on the invoice to payee address.




• Invoice number – Always use the whole invoice number provided. Some invoices will have numbers and letters or spaces.
        o In the case of utility bills, use the last seven digits of the account number (do not include spaces or dashes), followed by a dash and then the due date in MMDDYY format. It is important that invoice numbers match a set pattern for future researching purposes.
        o For Petty Cash: use pet cash MMDDYY
        o For Check Requests: use ch req MMDDYY
        o If you cannot locate an invoice number on an invoice, use the date – the property AP number.
Example: 102519-001
        o Do not alter or change an invoice number.
• Expense Type- It is important to choose the correct expense type of the specific GL you are looking for. Otherwise, the GL may not be available for selection in the “Details” tab.
        o If this invoice has multiple expense types, Example: a staples invoice may have office supplies (administrative) and coffee supplies (advertising) choose the Combined Expense types in the drop down.
• Total amount
        o Be sure not to include previous/past due balances.
        o If you are entering a credit, keep it as a positive amount. You will change the “type” (see below) instead of entering a negative amount.
• Invoice Date- The invoice date will default to the date you upload the invoice; this needs to be changed to the date that is on the invoice.
        o If you are looking at a utility bill that does not have a date, use the last date of the service period as your invoice date.
• Post Month- This will always default to your current post month. DO NOT change the post month unless specifically instructed.
• Due Date – Reference what is on the invoice (due on the 20th, net 10, net 15), or 30 days from the invoice date if none is present. If it says due upon receipt use the invoice date as the due date.
• Type- This should always be “invoice” unless you ae entering a credit. Then it should be changed to “credit”.
• First Notes Box- Type in a summary description of what was purchased with the invoice. This is what shows up on the check.
         o Make sure to be specific. Always include a unit # first (if applicable) followed by the description
         o If you have an invoice for a monthly service such as landscaping, or pest control you will need to specify which month it is for. Please use MM/YY format to keep it consistent.
        o If you are entering a utility bill you will need to provide the whole account number including spaces and dashes.
Step 3: Details
• Entity- This will default to the property filled out during your initial invoice import.
        o There are a few managers that will have access to multiple properties. If you have a split invoice between your assigned properties, this is how you can split them out.
        o If you have a split invoice that is between properties that you do not have access to, please send to your AP contact to enter.
• Amount – Confirm the amount is correct
        o If you have more than one GL code for an invoice, enter the amount for that specific GL code first before tabbing over.
• Account – Type in your GL code (or click on the grey box to search for a GL code)
        o Utilities and other split GL invoices – Make sure to split out the charges to their correct GL’s. Be careful not to lump charges together.
• Second Note Box- This is what shows up in the GL Description. In most cases it should be the same as the first note box. Exceptions below.
        o When entering utility bills make sure to provide a unit number (if it is for a specific unit) then the service period and lastly what the service is for. [unit #] [service period MM/DD- MM/DD] [what the service was for; electric, gas, water/sewer, etc.]
Example: #1 06/25-07/01 electric or 06/25-07/01 common area electric
• Unit- If there is a Unit associated with the invoice, always include it in the unit field.


Once the data has been completely entered, hit the Save button.
        o If you receive an error, do not force it through by adding extra digits. Instead research to be sure that it has already been entered. If you cannot find it, reach out to your AP contact for assistance.


Once it has been saved, hit the Validate button. It is extremely important to validate each invoice, otherwise the workflows will not function properly.


Once the invoice is validated, hit the “save step and next” button and that will automatically send it to the next person in the workflow.



 Repeat the process until you are done entering all your invoices.
Step #4: Submitting your Batch
 Batches should be submitted to your Portfolio Manager and your AP contact every Friday.
       o During month end your AP with be due on your month end closing date. I.e., 20th, 25th, or 30/31st
 All invoices should be processed weekly, even if you have one invoice.





A123 Tom (refund)
C201 Gerald(refund)
A303 Moss



Quick Notes
o When entering invoices make sure you use the correct vendor or remittance vendor
o If you cannot find a vendor in the system by their name or address you should scan a copy of the invoice and W9.
o All vendors should be compliant in NetVendor unless otherwise approved by your PM.


o Do not enter invoice numbers from statements; this may lead to double entries and other confusion. Instead, review each statement to ensure that the invoices reflected on the statement have been entered into the system for the correct dollar amounts.

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