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Home > Yardi Training > Invoice Processing > Processing Invoices Received Through VendorCafe
Processing Invoices Received Through VendorCafe
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The following guide was created in alignment with the Affinity Invoice Processing Policy.

Purpose: Effective and consistent data entry and processing of all invoices across all Affinity properties.

Identifying Invoices Uploaded by Vendors
To begin processing invoices that have been uploaded to your dashboard by vendors through VendorCafe (the vendor portal), you’ll need to login to Yardi Voyager. Use the left-menu option “Roles” to switch to the “Payscan (P2P)” role. Then, select the top-menu item “Dashboards” and select the menu option “Invoice Register Dashboard.” Then complete the following filters:
a. Property = Property Number
b. Select “Open Batches”
By using the above search criteria, the results will show any invoices on your dashboard that have not been processed. This could be invoices that associates at the property have manually uploaded or invoices that were uploaded by a vendor through their VendorCafe vendor portal. You can differentiate an invoice that has been uploaded by a vendor, by looking at the “Created By” column. Invoices that have been uploaded by a vendor will reflect “vcyardi” and “yprocure” in the “Created By” column.



Processing Invoices Uploaded by Vendors
1. On the Invoice Register Dashboard, click on the “Ctrl. No.” link of the invoice you would like to process. A new window will open with the invoice details. Some information will be prepopulated; however, it is important to review, and if needed, update the following fields in accordance with the Affinity Invoice Processing Policy.
a. Payee = Vendor ID (should already be populated since it was uploaded from VendorCafe)
b. Invoice # = Invoice Number to be paid (should already be populated since it was uploaded from VendorCafe)
c. Expense Type = Select the appropriate “Expense type” category dependent upon the type of expense the invoice is charging for. The expense type that should be selected is dependent upon the category within your budget in which the expense is planned. TIP – “Expense Type” is associated with specific GL “Accounts.” If you enter a GL “Account” that doesn’t align with the associated “Expense Type” category you will receive an error message.
d. Total Amount = Check that the total amount of the invoice that was keyed into this field matches the total amount displayed on the actual invoice. If not, manually correct it so it matches.
e. Notes = Enter a general description of the purchases/service that the invoice is for. This is the description in the “Memo” on the check that describes what the payment is for.

In the “Details” section, quality check the following information and/or enter the appropriate information to ensure the amount, GL account, and notes details match the invoice descriptions and charges, and the GL accounts are being allocated to the correct GL associated with your budget. The click “Save.” TIP – Always refer to your budget when completing this section, particularly to determine/verify the GL Account. Also, the notes in this section are what will show up on your owner reports/financial statements and check stub to the vendor.


Then, click “Validate” which ensures the invoice is balanced between the “Total Amount” and amounts entered within the “Details” section. Finally, click the “Next Step” drop down box and select “Portfolio Manager.” This will move your invoice to your Portfolio Manager’s queue for approval. Once approved the invoice will be moved to Accounts Payable for check processing. NOTE – If you are entering a utility invoice, the “Next Step” option will only reflect “Accounting” as utility invoices move directly to Accounts Payable for check processing.







Tips & Tricks
• If you see invoices in your dashboard that have been uploaded by a vendor and the “invoice amount” shown is displayed in the color red, this indicates that the “Total Invoice Amount” keyed in by the vendor does not match the itemized amount within the details of the invoice. You will need to click on the “Ctrl. No.” and review the invoice image in the next window. In the example shown, the “Total Amount” was uploaded as $77.02; however, the only amount within the details is $9.95. Once all details from the invoice have been allocated to the proper GL Accounts within the “Details” section, be sure to click “Save,” “Validate,” then select the “Next Step.”



PG LONG Invoices – As you may know, PG Long invoices that were manually entered prior to Vendor Café were manually entered without the “dash” (Ex. 1-186596  1186596 ) in the invoice number. However, now that PG Long is uploading their invoices through Vendor Café, the “dash” is included in the invoice number they are uploading (Ex. 1-186596). This can cause duplicate payments for invoices that were already manually entered without the dash (Ex. 1186596) but then uploaded by PG Long with the dash (Ex. 1-186596). Please verify all PG Long invoices uploaded to Vendor Café by PG Long by searching the invoice number without the dash (Ex. 1-186596) prior to processing that invoice. If a PG Long invoice that was uploaded to Vendor Café has already been paid, please delete the invoice that was uploaded from PG Long since it was previously processed.


If there are no options available in the “Next Step” drop down, preventing you from pushing the invoice through the workflow to your Portfolio Manager and/or Accounting Department, please submit a Yardi Help ticket. Include your username, the name of the property(ies) you oversee and are experiencing this issue at, and a screenshot.



If the Invoice Date is a date included in a prior post month than what is listed in your Invoice Register screen for that invoice, you will not be able to push the invoice forward through the workflow. Please email your accountant and explain that you are experiencing this issue and include a screenshot. The accountant will need to manually adjust the dates/post month so you will be able to push the invoice through to the “Next Step” in the workflow.


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