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Home > Yardi Training > Rent Cafe > Adding Signature or Email Template in CRM
Adding Signature or Email Template in CRM
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Adding you Signature OR creating a new property email template:
Note: do not edit an email template that is marked ‘company’. Only add and edit property level email templates.
1. In CRM click search at the top
2. Left hand menu click property
3. Search your property if it’s not easily available > click on property


4. On left hand menu click communication > crm email set up
5. Click CRM email set up in the tabs in the middle of the screen
6. Click +add CRM email set up


7. Create your email. Using tokens guarantees the most accurate information. Once you create this you can preview it by pretending to send an email to someone.


8. When you preview the template you will select the template and click insert
9. You will want to double check the subject is correct because with each template the subject updates.


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