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Home > Human Resources > Dress Code Policy
Dress Code Policy
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For the most up to date policy information please refer to the Associate Handbook

Dress and Grooming Policy
You are expected to maintain appropriate standards of grooming, personal hygiene, and dress during working hours and on Company property. No apparel, personal grooming, or hygiene practices should distract others or create a safety hazard to you or your coworkers. Appropriate office attire is required. Not only for safety reasons, but suppliers and customers visit our offices and properties and we wish to put forth an image that will make us all proud to be Affinity Property Management employees. Be guided by common sense and good taste. The following guidelines apply to all employees:
1. Clothing should be worn and fit in such a manner that it does not expose the abdomen, chest or buttocks areas, there should be no visible lack of undergarments;
2. Clothing should be free of sexually related references, foul language, and should be free of any statements that promote the use of illegal drugs;
3. Clothing, to include jewelry and hair, should not be loose or dangle in such a way that it creates a safety hazard;
4. Body piercing jewelry will only be worn on the ear. No other areas of the body should be visible with body piercing jewelry, with the exception of a very small stud nose ring;
5. Visible tattoos must not contain any offensive or inappropriate material;
6. As a reminder, we ask that you not wear halter tops, shorts, bib overalls, spandex or other form fitting pants, work-out attire, flip-flop sandals or slippers, distracting, offensive or revealing clothes on any day of the work week.


The dress code may vary between properties, depending on property location, size, owner philosophy & resident profile. Please refer to the Policies and Procedures Manual for more detailed information. However, all employees are required to at least meet the minimum standards outlined above.
If you dress inappropriately, a supervisor may counsel you. Dress code violations that are exceptionally unprofessional or unsafe can result in you being sent home. This time off work will be without pay for non-exempt employees. Repeated violations of the dress and grooming policy can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Affinity Property Management makes reasonable accommodations for dress, or grooming directly related to an employee’s religion, ethnicity, or disabilities.

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