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Month End Process
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Property Month End Checklist

Review Dashboards

  • Residential Dashboard- Voyager- Role: Residential
  • Payment Processing Dashboard- Voyage Role: Payment Processing
  • CRM Dashboard- CRM: Dashboard
  • Leasing Dashboard- CRM: Leasing Management


Activities to Review for Completion

  • Move Ins
  • Move Outs
  • Notices
  • Deposit Accountings
  • Lease Renewals
  • Lease Renewals- Month to Month Conversion
  • Dashboard Alerts
  • Failed Payments
  • NSF Returned Payment Items
  • Close Receipt Batches
  • Close Charge Batches
  • Leasing Management Countersignatures and Signatures
  • Enter all Invoices
  • Invoice Approvals Processed

Report for Review

  • GPR Report
  • Tickler Report/ Daily Activity Report
  • Accounts Receivable Report- Send to Accountant- Highlight all Potential Write Offs in Yellow




Month End Closing Process

Dashboard Review:


Review Residential Dashboard






Review Alerts- This section will help spot items that need attention






Move Ins

Are all Move Ins Listed for Future Dates?

Yes         Proceed to Move Outs No

  • Did the Move In Date Change? Use Adjust Move In Date Feature in CRM







  • Did the Applicant Cancel? Use Cancel Move In Feature in CRM






  • Does the Resident need to be Moved In? Process Move In in CRM



Move Outs

Are all Move Outs Dated for Future Dates

Yes            Proceed to Deposits No

  • Did the Move Out Date Change? Use the Adjust Move Out Date Feature CRM
  • Did the Resident Cancel the Notice? Use Cancel Notice Feature in CRM





  • Does the Resident need to be Moved Out? Process Move Out in CRM






Deposit Accountings


















Process all Deposit Accountings in Voyager

Note: Applicants have deposit accountings too! Anytime we except funds from a resident Yardi will add the person to the deposit accounting list. If an execution deposit is forfeited please charge to code : Execution Deposit Forfeited (exedepf)



On Notice

Confirm all Notices are for Future Dates








Yes         Proceed to Lease Renewals No

  • Review Notes on Move Outs above



Expiring Leases & Scheduled Lease Renewals

Review Lease Renewal Stages

  • Pending= Proposal Not yet generated OR Proposal not yet approved
  • Approved= Proposal is Approved
  • Denied= Proposal is Denied
  • Selected= Resident has selected a term
  • Scheduled= Renewal has been completed as is scheduled for a future date





Review Scheduled Renewals









Note: Remember, Yardi doesn’t count the renewal until the Counter signature is complete!



Close Open Batches

Receipt Batches







Charge Batches






Review Payment Processing Dashboard





Review Recurring Payments

Failed Payments                              Expiring Payments




Payment Attempts on an account with a Recurring Payment setup that Failed or Expired Requires Notification to Resident





The one time payment did not go through ( Requires Action ) Process NSf ( Requires Action)

Process NSF ( Requires Action)

Bank Adjustment ( Contact Accountant) Upcoming Charges to Payment Method on File



Review Delinquency






Download Financial Aged Receivables in Excel

Highlight in Yellow Items that will become future write offs (Allowance for Bad Debt)







Review CRM Dashboard






Ensure All Applications are processed






Review Leasing Management Dashboard






Ensure all documents are signed/countersigned





GPR Report Month End Review


Report Filters:























Loss to Lease Review



Vacancy Review


*Potential Rent: Potential Rent Calculates based on the Active Lease Charges for the date of the GPR report.


Positive Amount= Debit



Look For:






Loss To Lease Calculation Errors:



  • 0 Dollar Amount in Potential Rent
  • Doubled Rent or Large Rent in Potential Rent
  • Small Amounts in Potential Rent



$0 in Potential Rent

Loss to Lease= Market Rent Occupied Unit






Cause: No Active Lease Charges for the period Research: Active Lease Charges, Expired Lease Charges,


Potential Rent Doubled ( Or Large Amount)






Cause: Two Active Lease Charges for the same period due to a renewal processed incorrectly. Corrected lease charges were back dated to the start of the lease renewal.





Research: Active Lease Charges, Expired Lease Charges, Resident History












Find Resident History: Resident File: Data: Resident History







Small Amounts in Potential Rent





Cause: 1. Its accurate ( highly unlikely)

  1. Only Base Rent or Subsidy Rent Portion is entered under Active Lease Charges
  2. Employee Unit Lease Charge



Research: Active Lease Charges & Expired Lease Charges

Vacancy Calculation Errors:


Look For:

    • Occupied Unit with Vacancy Amount
    • Vacant Unit with no Vacancy Amount /Small Vacancy Amount










Cause: Rent was manually charged, no active lease charges for the period are on the account. This creates a credit to vacancy.

Research: Active Lease Charges, Expired Lease Charges, Tenant Ledger

Click on Resident Name: Reports: Ledger: Click Record Number to View Detail







In this example the problem was no active lease charge, producing the variance in both loss to lease & vacancy.

Manual Charge Example:










If the time stamps both show DBO, this is an automated charge

If the first time stamp shows a username and the second show DBO – this is a automated charge created by a modification to the tenant record. This could be a Move In or Lease Renewal

If both time stamps show a username, this a manually created charge outside of the typical workflows and likely will lead to an adjust in vacancy.


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