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Home > Yardi Training > Reporting > Affinity Weekly Reports
Affinity Weekly Reports
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Standard Affinity Weekly Reports
Standard reports include the following:

1. Box Score Report

2. Delinquency (AR Report)

3. Traffic Detail Report

4. Work Orders Report

5. Turnover Report

6. Status Report

Box score:

Yardi Voyager

Reports> Residential Analytics> Resident Analytics. Enter the below filters. Save as PDF to Box.


Delinquency Summary:

Yardi Voyager

Reports> Residential Analytics> Resident AR Analytics. Enter below filters.


Filters: Select property, Prepay Account (current, Future, Evection, Notice, Applicant ) Select resident as summary type and select PDF


Traffic Detail:

Yardi Voyager

Reports>traffic>traffic detail. Enter below filters, save as PDF.


Enter time frame for the prior week. Select Submit.


Work Order: From Yardi Dashboard Select Pending Work Requests.


Select Excel

Turnover Report: This is an item that is saved in your Box under “Property”>Reports>Turnover Report>2019 The report is an Excel document.


Below is a snip of what a turnover report looks like. Be sure to update dates and match the make ready date between the spreadsheet and Yardi.



Status Report:

This is also an Excel document saved under “Property”>Reports>Status Report>2019. Here is where you will keep a running list of tasks you are completing at the community and the status of them.

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