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Home > Yardi Training > Pricing and Specials > Unit Price Adjustments
Unit Price Adjustments
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Unit price adjustments can and should be initiated at the site team level.


Please utilize the Price Adjustment Code.


In the case of amenity pricing adjustments such as corner unit, upgrade feature, etc. that will impact multiple units please submit a ticket so that it can be adjusted at the property level.  Updates to the property level amenity pricing do need PM approval. 



  1. In Yardi Voyager, navigate to the Residential Role and go to the property dashboard.
  2. Search for and select the unit to be updated.
  3. On the Unit Details page, select the Functions drop down menu then click on Amenity.
  4. In the new Amenity window, select the appropriate amenity code. If you are missing an amenity code for the unit, please open a Yardi Help ticket.
  5. Update the Proposed Amount and Date. The Proposed Date is the current date. Save your changes, verify the other amenity charges are correct, and close out of the Amenity window.
  6. On the left hand menu, select Unit Pricing > Price Adjustments > Update Unit Rent.
  7. First choose Report Only "Y" to verify the price updates before fully submitting. After verifying the updates are correct, run the Update Unit Rent function again with Report Only "N" before submitting. Rents will update and may take up to 1 hour to reflect correctly on the property website.


For Revenue IQ properties, once the Update Unit Rent function is complete, please contact our Revenue IQ representative via email to confirm the pricing reflects correctly moving forward. Do not adjust the Rent amenity code unless instructed to do so by your Portfolio Manager or if updating new market rents for updated annual budgets.


Your Revenue IQ representative ( Josh Piercini ) changes pricing unit types on a unit type level and can add factors like stale pricing that will impact individual units based on how long they have been vacant. 


If the pricing does not reflect correctly after 1 hour, please submit a Yardi Help ticket with the full details on your previous actions taken.

pricing, unit pricing, unit rent, market rent, amenity pricing, amenity code, price update, RentMax, Revenue Management, price adjustment

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