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Home > Human Resources > Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy
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Here is an overview of Affinity's Attendance Policy.  It is always best to reference the Associate Handbook for the most up to date information. 


Attendance & Punctuality
Every employee is expected to attend work regularly and report to work on time to ensure that our clients’ needs are being met and that the employee is able to perform at their highest potential. We expect our employees to show up on time and be ready to begin working at the start of their shift – greeting customers, answering phones, completing regular job tasks.
Property Management by nature is a service industry – the daily needs of our residents do not go away when we are out of the office. Excessive tardiness and absenteeism hurts our ability to provide the caliber of service our residents and clients deserve, and this cannot be tolerated. We expect our associates to strive for perfect attendance whenever possible.

If you are unable to report to work on time for any reason, telephone your supervisor before the beginning of your scheduled shift each day that you’ll be absent or late. Leave a message for your supervisor if they do not answer the phone. If the absence is due to a medical emergency, arrange to have your supervisor notified within 24 hours. You are responsible for remaining at work until your scheduled work hours end, unless authorized by your supervisor to leave early.

If you do not call in an absence or tardiness (arriving 15 or more minutes late &/or leaving 15 or more minutes early) in advance of each day that you are absent or tardy, it will be considered unexcused. Excessive tardiness, absences, failure to contact the supervisor or false or misleading statements made as reason for tardiness, may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Consistent with our progressive discipline policy, employees will receive warnings for the first two unexcused absences or tardy incidents, but Affinity reserves the right to terminate any employee on the third incident that occurs within approximately twelve months.

If you are absent for three or more days due to an illness, Affinity requires that you provide the human resources department with a doctor’s note within 3 days of returning to work.
Employees who fail to report to work for 3 consecutive workdays without notifying Affinity Property Management will be deemed to have voluntarily quit.

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