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Snappt - Document Authentication
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SNAPPT- Document Authentication



What is Snappt?


Snappt Document Authentication verifies the authenticity of

paystubs or other income-related documentation. Snappt will

provide their recommendation on whether the documentation

is “clean,” “edited,” or “undetermined.”



Will I need to log into Snappt separately?


You will not! Snappt seamlessly integrates into our current

screening workflow in CRM IQ.


What if my applicant can’t provide their income

documentation online?


We can still collect their physical documentation, upload it as a

proof of income attachment in CRM IQ, and your PM can override

the Snappt request.


Snappt Workflow



Step 1: Once an applicant applies, you will follow our standard workflow of reviewing the application and running the appropriate screening package(s.) While you will still need to obtain a copy of their ID prior to running screening, Snappt communities will no longer need to collect proof of income documentation at this step.

Step 2: Once screening has been initiated, ScreeningWorks will begin with an evaluation of credit, debt and rental history. One of the following will occur next:


qThe applicant passes the credit, debt and rental history check, and receives an email invitation from Snappt to upload their income documentation. Once documentation is uploaded, authenticated and we approve, the system proceeds to a criminal evaluation.


qThe applicant does not pass the credit, debt and rental history check, and the process will pause. Your Portfolio  Manager will need to review the full report and determine whether we override and move forward, or deny.


Step 3: Here is where the new Snappt workflow begins! Once the applicant passes the credit, debt and rental history check, you will need to navigate to the Snappt action panel by selecting “View Report” under the Screening Report Results.

Step 4: From the action panel, you can first track the status of the Snappt invitation. Until the applicant has completed their

document authentication invitation, their status will remain Applicant Action Required. You can resend their invitation by selecting Resend from the action dropdown menu.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Snappt only accepts PDF attachments.

Step 5: Once the applicant has uploaded their documentation, the status will change to Property Action Required. Your action items are to:


qReview the reason and result columns. If the status is clean, you may proceed to the next step. If the status is edited or undetermined, connect with your PM.

qReview the documents and verify the income total matches the amount submitted on the application.

qIf the status is clean, you will add your action and a comment.
qClick the view report icon to download their income documentation, and upload it to their CRM IQ profile.
qHit save. Once you save, ScreeningWorks will proceed to the criminal evaluation.

Step 6: After the criminal evaluation is complete, our standard workflow applies! From the Screening & Approval step on the

prospect profile, you will be able to see the final recommendation,and make your evaluation.

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