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Home > Human Resources > Senior Team Policy
Senior Team Policy
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Human Resources

Senior Management Team



Purpose:                     Our Senior Management Team is responsible for

providing support to new associates, current associates, and the corporate office with daily operations, special projects, classes and mentorships.

Forms:                         Senior Team Workbook: 1-Everybody > Training > Senior & Safety Team > Senior Team Workbook

Mentorship Follow-Up Form: 0-Property Documents > Forms > Human Resources > Onboarding Resources > Senior Team > Mentorship Follow-Up Form

Senior Team Incentive Bonus Template: 0-Property Documents > Human Resources > ADP – Payroll, Commissions & Bonuses > Senior Team Incentive Template



  • The Senior Team is comprised of Property Managers and Maintenance Supervisors who have a gift and passion for teaching, providing support to their peers and helping them grow in their careers. Senior Team members are recognized for their thorough industry knowledge, ability to successfully manage and operate their own community(ies), and demonstrate excellent time management, organization, and professionalism.


  • When a new Property Manager or Maintenance Supervisor joins Affinity, they are paired with a Senior Team member for support and mentorship. Senior Team members will check in with their mentee weekly for their first 30-days of employment, and complete and return a Mentorship Follow-Up form to the mentee’s Supervisor and Affinity’s Onboarding and Training Specialist. For their mentorship hours, the


Senior Mentor will be compensated with a bonus at a rate of $25.00 per mentorship hour, booked to the community they are assisting.

Budgeted mentorship hours must be reviewed and approved by the Portfolio Manager before mentorship begins, and will be finalized VIA a Senior Team Incentive Bonus Template.

  • Senior Team members are also required to attend quarterly Senior Team Meetings, and actively participate in special tasks and projects such as hosting training classes, property coverages and due diligence inspections.


  • As compensation for teaching a training class, Senior Team members will be compensated with a bonus of $200.00 per class, which will be finalized VIA a Senior Team Incentive Bonus Template. This bonus will be split by the number of attendees, and booked to each attendee’s home property. There must be a minimum of four associates registered for a class, otherwise it is subject to cancelation. If there are multiple Senior Team members teaching a class together, the $200.00 bonus will be divided equally between them. Senior Team members are responsible for preparing the agenda and materials for their training class, and providing them to Affinity’s Onboarding and Training Specialist for review and approval.


  • For property coverages, due diligence inspections and any other requested task or project, Senior Team members are eligible for a bonus at a rate of $25.00 per hour. This will need to be discussed and approved with their Portfolio Manager and the Portfolio Manager who they will be assisting (if applicable,) and will be finalized VIA a Senior Team Incentive Bonus Template. Any mileage for travel over 50 miles may also be submitted for reimbursement.
  • For Senior Team members who are on the Safety Committee, the safety inspection bonus structure is:
    • 0-20 units: $20/hour
    • 21-40 units: $25/hour
    • 41-50 units: $30/hour
    • 51-75 units: $40/hour
    • 76-250 units: $50/hour
    • 250+ units: $65/hour
  • To be considered for Affinity Property Management’s Senior Team, you must have at least one year of industry experience, be in a Property Manager or Maintenance Supervisor position, and have your Portfolio


Manager’s support. If you are interested in joining the Senior Team, please contact your Portfolio Manager to review and discuss your nomination.

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