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Home > Yardi Training > Rent Cafe > Resident Portal - Verifying A Bank Account Tips & Tricks
Resident Portal - Verifying A Bank Account Tips & Tricks
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Residents experiencing issues with verifying their bank account through the online portal should first review the Verification FAQs and Instructional Video. This is located on their portal under Payment Accounts. 



When locating the penny test on their bank statements, the resident will want to look for BANKVERIFY. The deposit will show up within 72 hours of entering in the bank account information to the portal. If the resident is unable to locate the BANKVERIFY deposit during the 72 hour timeframe, the resident may need to reenter their bank account information to ensure accuracy. The amount will show up similar to the mock bank statement shown below.



If the resident has found the amount but is experiencing difficulties when entering this in, they may need to switch their device. Similar issues have been shown to occur when utilizing a phone, it is suggested that the resident use a computer when verifying the information. If they are already using a computer, they may also need to clear their cache and use Google Chrome as their browser.


You may also receive requests from residents to have their bank account reset on the portal. Yardi has the ability to reset resident accounts but due to security reasons the resident will need to submit a screenshot of their bank statement showing the penny test. If the bank verification was sent over 6+ months ago, Yardi may be able to reset the account without a screenshot.


If the troubleshoots listed did not resolve the bank account verification issues occurring, please connect with your Operations Team Member.

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